Sunday, May 2, 2010

My First Post

Hey everybody!

I'm just taking a minute to write this first post for my new blog.  I named it "Transforming Maggie" because I'm going to chronicle the steps I'm taking to transform my life... body, mind, spirit and finances.  I used to have a great life.  I was happy with myself, my health, my relationships with family and friends, my employment, etc.

Then, I moved 1000 miles away from my family, friends and happy life in order to get married.  Funny I should put it that way, right?  Sure, I was happy for a while, but there were too many changes in a very short time period.  Even though he was (and still is) a great guy, I was miserable for a few years.  That lead to us separating and me moving back home.  We have since filed for divorce, but due to some complication, we're still waiting for it to go through.

Moving home did help make me happier, but I was starting over... literally from scratch.  I hadn't been working, so I had nothing saved up.  I didn't expect to come home to my exact same life that I left a decade earlier, but I thought things would have been a little easier than I found them to be.  So, I had no money, no relationship with any of my former friends, was separated (so I wasn't single, but didn't feel married either), hadn't been to Church (except for a couple weddings and way too many funerals) in several years, didn't have a relationship with God at all (don't freak out, I'm not going to be "preachy") and had some health issues that were about to reveal themselves in the coming months.

With all that against me, I did have a few things.  My sister, brother-in-law and nephew welcomed me into their home for a few months when I first moved back.  They were very generous and I appreciate them probably more than they know.  I got a job that I really enjoyed and made a good wage.  I had an excellent opportunity for a home-based business that I had been working off-and-on for a few years, even though it had been "off" for a while.  I had hope.  And, I had my dog, Marcus.  He's been with me through almost all of it and I love him like crazy.

It's been 3 years since I moved back.  (I know... long time for me to be in relationship limbo.  Ugh!)  Some things are better (I reconnected with some old friends and made new friends of people I knew of in the past, but didn't really know), others aren't.  I'm finally at a point that I'm tired of things the way they are now.  I know it can be better.  I know I can be better.  I expect more of myself than I've been giving.  And so, the transformation begins...

Some messages will be as simple as what I had for lunch, what exercises I did for the day or a quote I like.  Others will be much more in-depth and talk about what steps I'm taking to build my business, what books I'm reading (with my commentary), what political cause I'm now supporting, what steps I'm taking to find the love of my life or any number of other things.

You can count on reading about Marcus, music and sports.

This transformation chronicle comes complete with embarrassing "before" and "during" photos and weigh-in stats.  Hey, I have to keep myself accountable somehow, even if it's not pretty in the process.

Okay, it's late (or early depending on your perspective, I guess).  I have to get to sleep so I can wake up, take Marcus for a walk and get working around the house.  My house is part of the transformation too.  Hey, I moved 8 (I think) times in about the last 12 years.  Most people get rid of stuff when they move.  Somehow, I accumulated more things each time I moved.  So, it's time to get rid of things that are no longer useful or of value to me.  Today's the kitchen and dining room, plus some laundry too.

Have a great day!

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