Thursday, May 20, 2010

Post Interrupted...

So, it's been a few days since I last wrote anything here. I could make up some excuse about how I was getting into my workout routine or busy working or something like that, but it wouldn't be the truth. I've just been lazy about writing and spending too much time on Facebook and Twitter.

Some good news though... I have gotten out and walked everyday since I decided to start this transformation. They say it takes 21 consecutive days of doing something for it to become a habit. Well, 5 days down, 16 to go.

Day 1: Distance? I'm not keeping track since I'm not in training for anything. I think it's about a 1/2 mile. Time? I don't know. However long it takes. It seemed like an eternity.

Okay, I decided I was going to start walking and was going to take Marcus (my Black Lab/Shar-pei mix dog) with me. Since he always pulls me along when we walk, I thought I'd try things a little differently. When I bought his last doggie bed, they gave me a saddlebag type pack free. I thought I'd make him start carrying our water bottles, my phone, house keys, ID, etc., so I don't have to anymore and hopefully, the extra weight would slow him down. So, I strapped him into the pack and was pleasantly surprised when he didn't try to get out of it. Next, on went his Gentle Leader and out the door we went.

Since jogging with my 4-year-old nephew felt pretty good several days before, I thought we'd start out jogging along our route. Besides, it was downhill, what could it hurt? With the first couple steps, pain shot up my legs from my ankles and I thought I was going to have to turn around and start walking the next day. I didn't quit though. We pressed on and it became more comfortable. Hey, it's been over 20 years since I ran any real distance.

We turned the corner and the ground leveled off. I was already feeling the chest tightening burn and hating my decision to run, so we slowed down to a walk just in time to go up the biggest hill in my neighborhood. I was so tired and sore, I let Marcus pull me along this time. It was sad, but we made it to the top of the hill.

By the grace of God, we somehow made it all the way back to our house without me passing out. Marcus was panting like crazy. I was gasping for air. I got him out of his Gentle Leader and ran to find my inhaler, took a couple puffs.

Note to self: Don't go walking/running without using my inhaler first. And take it with me... just in case. Oh, yeah, I've had exercise induced asthma since I was about 12.

After collapsing on the couch, I don't think I moved for several hours.

Day 2: After starting this blog very early in the morning, I slept in. (I was so sore!) I'd planned on going walking as soon as I got up. I was dressed, had my shoes on, was packing Marcus' pack when it started thundering and lightning outside. Yea! Just the excuse I needed to not go walking. Change of plans, I'm staying inside to do my physical therapy exercises instead.

No sooner had I updated my FB status to reflect the current weather and new workout plans, the rain stopped and the sun came out. Midwest weather. Ha! So, my sister called me up to see if I wanted to go to the park by my house with her and my nephew. We walked the 1/4 mile (I'm guessing) to the park, played for about an hour and walked back to my house, the long way around (about 3/4 mile).

Glad I remembered my inhaler this time.

Day 3: I was still a little sore from using all these muscles again, but it was better than each of the last couple days.

I watched my nephew at my house today. Since I didn't have anything planned for him and he was full of energy, we walked to the park again. We stayed for a couple hours this time and took the long way back to my house again. His stamina's pretty good for 4-years-old.

Day 4: Feelin' pretty good today. I watched my nephew at his house today, so we didn't go for our walk. We did meet up with my sister at a park near her work though. He played for about half an hour before we went to dinner.

We found a great family-owned Italian restaurant in North Kansas City, called Delisi's.


Okay, I got totally side-tracked. I started this post a few days ago to catch up on my progress for my first week of transformation. I've put it off 4 days.


And side-tracked again, for several more days. I'm gonna have to work harder on this thing called blogging. I guess it takes some practice.

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